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Microbial Biosensors

Monitoring natural, urban or industrial aquatic environments, our microbial biosensors provide real-time information

Microbial biosensors NODE

As monitoring tools of natural, urban or industrial aquatic environments, our microbial biosensors provide real-time information for decision-making and management of water resources.

Online measurement of organic load, BOD5 or toxicity in real time

NODE biosensors provide instantaneous qualitative (change in load, presence of toxic compounds) and quantitative (estimation of BOD5, organic pollutants in concentrations) data in real time.

Multiple applications

Our biosensors have been developed and successfully employed for different applications in a range of aquatic environments:

- Online BOD5 in sewage treatment plants and sewer overflow
- Toxicity of industrial effluents (on-site and under laboratory conditions)
- Organic load and the detection of organic pollution.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of contaminated groundwater treatment.

While traditional BOD measurements require 5 days and toxicity assessment usually require several days (or weeks), NODE biosensors provide such information in real-time.

Sensitivity & representativity

NODE biosensors exploit indigenous bacteria as bioindicators. Their activity is converted into an electrical signal that is used directly and immediately. Using bacteria that are naturally present, representative of your site, and sensitive to environmental changes as bioindicators provides a fast, representative and pertinent response in real-time.



The NODE biosensors can be deployed independently or integrated with existing metrological systems in natural, urban or industrial aquatic environments.

- Natural Environments: groundwater, surface water, marine environments…
- Urban Environments: water treatment plants, sewage network systems…
- Industrial Environments: effluents, bioprocesses…


Autonomy and Robustness

In addition to providing representative information in real-time, NODE biosensors are characterized by their autonomy (biosensors actually produce energy) and their low operating costs (no consumables and low maintenance).


A project in mind?

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can develop and adapt our NODE biosensors to the constraints of your site or to a specific type of contamination.

Nos références

Reference #4
Reference #3
Reference #5
Reference #1
Polluted sites
See all the references