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Molecular Biology Tools

Molecular Biology Tools (MBTs) are a set of advanced techniques used for biological analysis of living organisms and understanding the mechanisms of the cell at the molecular level. Initially developed and applied in the lab, these tools have found many applications in various fields (medicine, human genetics, forensic science…) and have been successfully applied to various environmental issues for a few years.

The management of microbial resources


ENOVEO develops and applies molecular biology tools for different environmental issues in order to detect, identify, quantify or monitor various microorganisms and/or genes in environmental and industrial samples.

The methods developed and applied by ENOVEO provide unique information with high added value to overcome the biases and limitations of conventional methods based, for example, on the culture of microorganisms on synthetic media under laboratory conditions. The interest of MBTs lies in their ability to identify the vast majority of microorganisms and to evaluate active microbial mechanisms. Thus, they are a valuable and unique tool to identify, for example, the causes and origins of a problem to be remedied, to anticipate performance a process, and to determine the fate of pollutants.

Regarding rehabilitation or remediation of polluted sites, these tools can be used during all stages of management, from initial diagnostics to closure, through the definition of remediation strategy and site monitoring.

ENOVEO develops and applies different molecular biology tools that provide accurate and meaningful information on the microbiology of your sites and the development of different solutions or treatments to implement for all types of contaminants.

A range of tools for tailor-made diagnostics



- Soil
- Water
- Sediments
- Surfaces and Materials
- Biofilms
- Plants and associated microorganisms
- Waste
- Agro industrial products
- Microbial cultures and consortia
- Microbial isolates
- Other: contact us

Microorganisms: from the gene to the community

- Bacteria
- Methanogens and Archaea
- Fungi (yeasts, molds)
- Complex communities (metagenome)
- Other: contact us

Analysis: from the gene to the community (DNA, mRNA, rRNA)

- Detection
- Characterization
- Abundance
- Activity
- Diversity
- Bio-prospection
- Other: contact us

Non-exhaustive list of targeted pollutants

- Linear and branched hydrocarbons (THC)
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
- Organochlorines (Lindane…)
- Chlorinated Solvents (chloromethanes, chloroethanes, chloroethenes: PCE, TCE, DCE, vinyl chloride)
- Polar solvents (methanol…)
- Metallic trace elements
- Pesticides
- Explosives
- Perchlorates
- Aromatic and aliphatic amines
- Plasticizers: Phthalates…
- Other (custom development): contact us


- Metals (chrome, iron…)
- Sulfur (H2S, SRB, SOB)
- Methane
- Nitrogen
- Phosphate
- Other: contact us

Our toolbox

- qPCR (DNA) and RT-qPCR (RNA)
- Molecular genetic fingerprinting
- High throughput sequencing (Sanger, MiSeq, Nanopore)
- Genomic, metagenic, metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, metaproteomic analyses.
- Isolation, culture
- Extraction and purification of nucleic acids
- Cellular analyses and microscopy